I have been employed with Dominion Lending Centres for over half a year now and after months of promoting what I can do for my clients, I was asked by a friend the other day, “What do you actually do”? I was surprised by that, but it’s a really good question. It occurred to me that people know that I’m involved in the mortgage world but don’t know exactly what I do. So, this is what I do.
To put it simply, I help my clients secure a mortgage that is right for them. I don’t work for any individual lender like banks (CIBC, TD, etc…), credit unions (Meridian, First Ontario, etc…) or monoline lenders (lenders who only offer mortgages). I have access to a majority of lender rates and programs (115 lenders to be exact) which gives me more options for my clients. This also allows me to have an unbiased opinion because I have no affiliation with a specific lender.
The historical way to get a mortgage is for a person to walk into a bank and seek out financing through a specialist that works there. The specialist will offer a couple of mortgage products and all of them are funded by the bank and because the specialst works for the bank, they’re obligated to suggest these products which in essence may reduce your options.
Dominion Lending Centre agents like myself not only have more options, we’re committed to getting you the best mortgage product, no matter where they come from, if they’re right for you. We’re committed to exceeding your expectations with service and results so that we get your repeat business and you refer us to others. This also drives me to work outside of the typical 9-5 work schedule that so many salaried jobs follow. My clients can contact me at anytime during the week!
Theres a stigma that independent mortgage agents only specialize in clients that aren’t A-side; clients that have poor credit or low income where we have to get creative and find out-side-of-the box mortgage solutions. This is one aspect of our job but in fact most of the mortgage products that I have access to are for A-side clients that are looking to get the best rates and the lowest fees.
Dominion Lending Centre agents like myself do everything a bank can do but with more options and around the clock care!